Horrifying facts of being a man.

Being a male has its advantages, bit it also has it's disadvantages so below, only the disadvantages of being a man will be mentions, the views of society towards men mentioned here do not apply to everyone and when guys face such problems, people turn a blind eye.

People expect you to be a hero.
Whether they expect you to rescue a child or woman, a man is always expected to take action, regardless of their excuses.

He is always expected to pay.
Its normal for men to be the breadwinners at home and pay the bills, but what about when a girl invites him to a restaurant to have lunch toghether and he doesn't eat anything or order any food, then the waiter gives hands him the bill? This is what people are like these days, they are so used to the males always having to pay up.

Nobody has sympathy for them.
If a man is seen injured but he is crying, some people will say "your a man get over it", while they don't know how much the pain hurts. Men have feelings too and they should be seen as human beings not as people that are made out of stone.

His life is disregarded.
A man will always be expected to tale action, if someone's life is in danger, he will be expected to risk his life for that person. Somehow, people think that some peoples lives are more important than others.

"All men are the same"
If a man is seen staring at a small cute girl who's playing about, he might be considered a pedofile, if a man is caught staring at a well dressed lady, he's a pervert and if a guy accidently touches a woman, he's worse than a pervert, he harasses people.

Men are expected to be more physically advantaged than women.
It may be a scientific fact, but not all men can be like this, not all men can be "tall enough" or have six packs. Some people have sicknesses that stops them from achieving such things or they are just too lazy.

Men are viewed as less important.
Cancer that relate to women recieve much more donations than cancer that only men can get. People will always feel more for a female than a male.

They are expected to make the first move.
Guys have mostly been the ones that start the relationships, they have to face ghathering up enough courage to ask a girl out to ask someone to marry him. This has always been happening throughout history and it has become normal for us.

Most people can relate to most of the things said in this post so far, but they do not apply to all men or everyone in society


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