3 scientific facts that you probably didn't know about

1.Fate of the Earth is Andromeda!
An epic war is coming between our home galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy, which is currently racing toward us at a speed of 110 km PER SECOND! (68 miles/sec). The estimated time left to the war is around 4 billion years from now. And the fact is that you can see our opponent “THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY” tonight with your naked eye..yep! no telescopes required. Here’s an image
You’ve seen that infamous constellation “great square” a million times, haven’t you? And right beside it you can see the Andromeda galaxy on any clear sky night.
The fate of the Earth and the Solar System in the event of a collision is currently unknown. Before the galaxies merge, there is a small chance that the Solar System could be ejected from the Milky Way or join the Andromeda Galaxy after the merge because there is high chance that NO TWO STARS WILL COLLIDE due to the huge space between the stars.
2. Human body is made from elements forged by stars!

Look at your wrist, see the blueish veins? The blood flowing through them contains hemoglobin, a protein that has four iron atoms incorporated into its structure. Iron is only naturally produced in one place, it can only be forged in the core of dying stars.Every time you look at your veins, remember that you are built from, and kept alive by, pieces of stardust.
So remember next time when you are looking into the mirror, you are looking at a small universe!
3. A gigantic Rain Cloud in space is the biggest water body in the Universe!
Scientists have found a big pool of water just floating out there in the cosmos. The cloud is huge, containing 140 trillion times the volume of our oceansThe water cloud (in vapor form) is found near a quasar. (A quasar is a celestial body which consists of a supermassive black hole surrounded by an orbiting accretion disk of gas). The quasar is the reason that the water is still in vapor form. It is is apparently putting out enough heat, and x-rays, to keep the surrounding cloud at a relatively-balmy -53°C.

Here’s an image of the universe’s biggest water supply! :P
That cloud in the image is the universe’s oldest and largest water reservoir and it is swaddling a quasar! Sadly there isn’t much hope of getting any part of the reservoir because it is 12 billion light years away from us and is being readily consumed by the black hole it is surrounding.
So finally when we did find water in space (other than on Earth and Mars), we find that we ain’t gonna get an ounce of it. Sad isn’t it?


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