1. The hot, crazy fun girl doesn’t always win the guy.Yes, we are attracted to the fun party girls that never settle down, but at the end of the day, we can’t bring those girls home to meet our moms. Every guy is looking for the sweet, beautiful and down-to-earth girl that makes us laugh, keeps us grounded and believes in us. We want a girl that we can talk to about more than just how many shots we can take before we blackout. Guys want to date a Megan Fox and marry an Emma Watson.
2. Men are not mind readers.
3. Sunday sports are like the sun rising in the East and setting in the West. It's a fact of life, and you've just got to let it be.
4. When a game is on, please only talk during commercials.
5. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions, so neither do we.
6. Ask for what you want.Let me be really clear about this one. Whether the hint is subtle or obvious, we're probably not going to get what you're trying to say. So, just tell us what you want.
7. Anything said a week ago becomes null and void and cannot be brought up in an argument again.
8. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how to do it. Not both.
9. We only see about 16 colors.For example, the term "peach" is a fruit, not a color.
10. If we ask what’s wrong, and you reply, "Nothing," we will act as if nothing is wrong.We probably know that you’re lying, but it’s not worth the fight.
11. You have enough of my fraternity shirts.Don’t keep asking for more, and don’t just take them. You have to earn them.
12. Stop telling me to make you my #WCW.Everyone gets annoyed with the couples that make each other their #MCM or #WCW every week; we will not be that couple.
13. It’s not attractive to hear you talk bad about other girls.I know you don’t like one of your sisters because she stole your Big-Little shirt idea, but keep that talk for your sisters, not us.
14. Being smart is very attractive.We want a girl that can read a book and carry on a good conversation.
15. Allow me to open the door for you.Don’t let chivalry die. I know you’re 100 percent capable of opening the door yourself, but see it as a nice gesture. It’s something our dad taught us to do.
16. I’m going to try and fix your problems.Don’t vent to me if you don’t want me to try and fix what’s going on. That’s what guys do.
17. Don’t take my fries.I’m a growing man, and I need my food but will gladly take whatever you don’t eat.
18. Don’t be dramatic.Guys don’t like girls that are crazy about drama, plain and simple. If you enjoy the attention that getting jealous gets you, you will not get my attention.
19. Don’t say you miss me after an hour or a day.That’s when you begin to edge into the "clingy" zone.
20. It’s okay to compliment us.We like when you tell us we look good. We will just never say that out loud.
21. But don’t call us "pretty" or "beautiful."This is not "Twilight," we do not sparkle, and we are not "pretty".
22. “I’m not looking for a relationship” can sometimes be directly translated to "You’re great, but we’re just not ready to be tied down quite yet."
23. We’re all on that college budget.So know that we would like to give you the world, but can only afford the dollar menu sometimes.
24. If my friends don’t approve of you, then odds are we won't be able to date.The same sentiment goes for my family.
25. I will smile, but not 100 times.I’ll take pictures because you want to, but if I’m being honest, you’re going to look just as good in the first one as you will in 100th one you force someone to take.
26. We don’t always have to be doing something.We can enjoy Netflix and a large pizza.
27. You have too many shoes.
28. You have enough clothes.
29. Don't ask a question that you don't want an answer to.
30. We are in shape. Round IS a shape.
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