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Instagram APK


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 Download Instagram apk. Available for android.

Instagram is a social media site used not only to communicate with people but also to post either random stuff or anything they feel is important.

There are countless wonderful pictures posted on this website by people of different backgrounds. 

Categories of videos from politics to just funny can be found here too.

8 pharagraphs of advice and tips for Amazon sellers.

Selling on the largest online market can be pretty competitive, but the huge amount of customers can make up for it If you know how to get their attention. As a seller, you need to look for ways to offer something other sellers can't offer, so take note and pay attention:

Know the demand and supply.

I don't mean learn about demand and supply, here I mean that you should know what the customers are looking for and if those products are available, if they are buy them and sell them at a higher price, if they aren't, consider producing them yourself, who knows, you might even and up having your own well known brand. It's not hard to find out What the customers are looking for these days, it's as simple as using a search engine and searching "Trending/popular Amazon products" or "Trending products", it's good to sell what customers are looking for, but also try to find out products that are needed but dont have much competition.

Search for information.

Even if you have been in the online business for a very long time, there are many things you do not know because things are changing and customer needs are changing, you can learn more about how to improve your sales through education, it is also best to talk to other Amazon sellers so that you can learn new strategies. So much information out there, there are paid services available for you to know more, free Ebooks that can help you and many posts on websites giving you free tips.

Know what is motivating you.

If your only motivator is money, then it will be easier for you to quit when you get disapointed, so try to get motivated by something better such as other reasons you could be selling online. This is important for you because it changed your whole perspective.

Don't do anything illegal.

Remember, you are selling on a platform, which means you need to follow some rules and pay some fees, and if you don't, they can ban you at any time, so do clean business so that you don't encounter problems in the long run. Doing good business is also good for your client base, because if they liked the way you treated them, then they might come back for more. If you follow the rules, you will not have any problems whatsoever, even with your customers.

Communicate with and respond to customers.

Interacting with your customers is the best way to increase your sales, you need to ask them for feedback which would help improve the quality of your services and products. Responding to customers is a great way of showing them that you want to have a good relationship with them. The whole reason you are selling products is because customers are buying from you, so give them good reasons to buy from you and trust you.

Do things on time.

As a seller, you know that time is money, the more sales you make the more money you make, but you also need to keep track of your time and not be late, your delivery should be on time to avoid problems with Amazon or customers. Always try to be able earlier for the things you do, this will not only positively impact the people around you, but it will also have a good impact on you aswel.

Decrease your costs thereby increasing your profit.

For you to produce or get a product you can sell to customers, you need to spend some money first, so look for ways to decrease your costs because it will help you keep up with the fees in Amazon and your income will increase. If you are producing the products yourself, find cheaper raw materials and if you are buying the products, you should try to negotiate with your suppliers or look for more suppliers.

Do some advertising.

This is a great option for sellers, you can either advertise on places like AdSense or Facebook for a certain price or you could advertise your products for free, both methods have proven good results, but it depends on how you promote your products and if you actually sell them.

Why you shouldn't be worried about HIV and AIDs

HIV and AIDs is a common thing around the world, but as long as you don't have it, you shouldn't be too worried about it.


Because you are not contributing to it thus you are doing your part in combating it.
As long as you take caution during times it might be a threat to you, you might never get it.

Aids also mostly occur in Africa (well the southern part of it anyways), it is more likely for it to be found with a non-virgin and it is not really easy to find someone who is HIV+.

As long as you take caution, help those who need to be helped, it won't effect you and a lot of other people like you.

There are a lot of diseases around the world, it is almost impossible to cure all of them, so we need to have patience and rely on each other on solving the problems that occur.

7 reasons why people have little access to healthcare.

According to the world health organisation an estimated 12.6 million deaths each year are attributable to unhealthy environment.

When it comes to receiving something, nothing is free, even the pblic goods provided to the people is divided among the paying citizens of a country. The need for hospitals and doctors is growing as people have less access to healthcare due to:

1. Marginalised groups.

The most obvious reason, most people do not work because they are either too lazy to do it or cannot find jobs.

2. Large number of poor people.

People that cannot afford their basic needs definitely do not have enough money to pay for a checkup at a hospital or simply buy the needed medicine. Poverty is caused by many factors such as the cycle of poverty, the economy of a country, laziness and others. There are many people who are facing poverty today, which means that alot of people cannot

3. (Most of the) The wealthy people do not help the poor.

Alot of such people prefer to keep all of their wealth rather than sharing some of it with those who really need it, they. could be donating to orphanages and poor people like how some are doing, but instead they keep even the little amounts in the bank as if helping the people will make then helpless aswell. The wealthy and the powerful (mayors, governors) in whose hands public health care was entrusted do not care about the lives and health of their neighbors and constituents.

4. Government budget and expenditure.

Alot of people do receive the help they deserve under their elected governments who may sometimes abuse power, but that doesn't mean every one can benefit from this, sadly, due to less budget for the health of the people and government not being able to reach everyone, people are left to fend off for themselves instead of benefiting from the tax that citizens pay, after all, you need to take from the wealthy and give it to the poor because they will not do it willingly.

5. Lack of public hospitals.
Most private hospitals and clinic provides excellent care, adequate staffing and complete medical equipments, patients are required to pay up front this is very expensive and most people prefer to go to public hospitals, but there are not alot of them and all the public hospitals are always full which means that patients have to be patient, the sad part is that a sick person will have to wait really long to finally get checked by a doctor.

6. In some countries, availability of healthcare professional is uneven.

Most healthcare professionals prefer to work abroad rather than working in their home country because Salary is the big factor, the reason why they prefer to work overseas. Different countries offer different levels of payment, which is a good thing, but it also has it's disadvantages such as the one above, this is why people are willing to pay so much for healthcare, they know the importance looking after themselves.

7. Remote areas don't have adequate access to healthcare institution.

In certain areas, you need to travel a really long distance if you want to see a doctor, this is because people prefer to invest in places where money is flowing, and when they finally reach there, most of the wall equipped hospitals are private which may cost more if they choose a private hospital. Having to travel so far is unbearable if you cannot afford the proper transport.

20 life lessons we can learn from 20 quotes.

1. "Don't raise your voice, improve your argument." --Anonymous

2. "Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting." --Anonymous

3. "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --Lolly Daskal

4. "Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent." --Anonymous

5. “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” - Lucille Ball

6. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph waldo

7. "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David.

8. "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." - Albert Einstein.

9. "I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying." - Nelson Mandela.
  10. "Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it." - French Proverb

11. "You can’t always control who walks into your life but, you CAN control which window you throw them out of…" - Unknown

12. "Don't ever criticize yourself. Don't go around all day long thinking, 'I'm unattractive, I'm slow, I'm not as smart as my brother.' God wasn't having a bad day when he made you... If you don't love yourself in the right way, you can't love your neighbour. You can't be as good as you are supposed to be." - Joel Osteen.

13. A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether." - Roy H. Williams.

14. “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” - Nelson Mandela 

15. “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” - Albert Einstein 

16. “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” - Albert Einstein.

17. “Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you.” - John Wooden

18. "It's so easy to fall in love but hard to find someone who will catch you." - Anonymous.

19. "Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person." - Seth godin.

20. "I like constructive criticism from smart people." -Prince.

5 ways to start an E-commerce store online.

These days, there are more online businesspersons which is what is making the competition tougher for them. So what you need to do is to be unique and different in a way,  offer something special and create something that would attract people!

Many people are already selling on major websites like Amazon and ebay and some are earning good income from this, others prefer to have their own online store so that they can really be their own bosses without having any limits upon them and they believe it costs less to do so, here are simple ways to start your online store.

1. Creating your own website.
If you are good with building websites, you can easily get your site up and running after you have bought a domain and hosting. As for those who are not familiar, they can use platforms such as WordPress to get started which would also be a good place for learning to market with websites.

2. Hiring someone to build a website for you.
Although this may sound costly, it depends on what kind of website You want build and who is doing the job, you can even ask your friends to make one for you if they know how to make a website. One of the best ways to Hire someone to make a website for you is by looking for freelancers, you can easily hire them on job finding websites.

3. Using a paid service.
There are many platforms that can help you get started with your online store, one of them is shopify, it includes a 14 day trial and then start paying a certain amount, they offer quality services and is the best place to go to it you don't want the fuss of making a website.

4. Buying a website.
It's easy to find websites to buy online and there are alot of them, but you need to choose a good one and learn about how to watch out for scams, you can also buy a new website that doesn't get much traffic and then use it for selling your products.

5.  Using Facebook.
This might not be a very good place to start selling products because it takes a longer time to get an audience. You can make a Facebook page promoting your products, but this is recommended after you have customers. You could also advertise your products.

10 Tips for instagram users to increase their followers and interaction.

Instagram is one of the best places for posting pictures and videos, you will find wonderful pictures and outstanding videos as well as armature ones because it's a place for all.

Sure, the reason why we like looking at some things is because they look like no effort was out into them right? not exactly, people want to see posts that they can either relate to or that they will like, fortunately, it's not hard to make quality products for your audience, when taking pictures or videos, try using a better camera/phone or edit them, if you don't know what to post about, you can look for what's trending.

2. Post regularly.
Social media is for entertainment, so if no one is doing any entertaining, people are going to get bored and look for something else, you need to decide on how many posts you will make daily, weekly or monthly, it's up to you, the more you post, the more followers and engagement you will have.

3. Use sources.
like I mentioned above, if you do not know what to post about, you can find out what's trending and then make a topic about it, you can also use the need as well as cover sports or simply just make something up that would surprise your audience, after all, creativity is not somehing that we all can't achieve.

4.  Use hashtags.
Hashtags aren't only meant for Twitter, they can be used on any social media platform, and as for instagram, they can increase your followers aswel, make sure to use relevant ones so that you do not mislead people.

5. Using promotions.
If you have the budget, you could advertise your instagram account, but only do that if you can pay for it through the money you earn from instagram, you can also advertise it for free using other Social media platforms, your website of you have one or newsletters.

6. Convince people to share your posts.
The best way to convince people to share what you post is by having great content, another way could be by asking them to share it, but you don't want to look needy now don't you?

7. Be unique
The best way to be and look unique is to stand out from others, you could be doing something else others are not doing, for example, you don't have to post pictures of yourself all the time, some are using pictures from the internet, and a few are posting quotes, so if you use something that Instagram is mostly lacking, you can easily get more followers.

8. Interact with your audience.
You could be just showing pictures and videos all the time, there's nothing wrong with that, but  but engaging with your followers could really tell you more about them and then you could start doing more of what they like, you can ask them to comment, ask them some questions or even ask them to request something from you that they would want to see.

9. Have a profile.
You might be thinking that you already have a profile, but maybe you don't, you need a good profile, you need to have a nice profile picture that relates to what you do and be a little more open not by telling people anything about yourself but by responding to your followers and interacting with them.

10. Know others.
what you need to do is to follow other Instagram users, comment and like some pictures and also try to get some tips from them and also give away a few ideas, we might all know something that can help others. Interacting with other people can also increase your followers, and you could also steal their followers as well, there's nothing wrong with that because your probably sharing something different from them.

7 ways to get a job on Amazon.

A lot of us would really love to get a full time job at home, where we don't have to deal with traffic or competition with co-workers. Amazon is best place to buy and sell goods which makes it an opportunity for job searchers to find a suitable job. Find a job is not easy, but one has to give it a try.

1. Applying at the job section of their website. to the job section of their website.
You can search for jobs that they offer on their website, the also have a question and answer section for job where they answer questions such as " How do I apply?" Or " How can I apply to work for one of your subsidiary companies?" The link to their job section is: where you can search for certain jobs and FAQ is :

Top 5 Companies Offering Work-From-Home Jobs

2. Selling your products on their website. (Alternative)
It is similar to woking for amazon but it also gives you flexibility on most things and educates you about selling products online.

3. Taking part in Amazon affiliate programme. (Alternative)
If you cannot find a job with Amazon, it is way easier to become their affliate than getting a full time job. Basically once you are an affliate, you will earn something like a commission for every product you have sold.

4. Getting hired on Amazon's job searches.
Amazon regularly makes programmers that hire people, unfortunately this mostly occurs in the United States and it isn't available in most other places so if you live far, you might not want to gamble your chances and visit the place. But if you live in the country, all you have to do is show up and take part, look professionally and hope you get hired.

5. Calling Amazon
Inquiring about job opportunities and requirements is a great way to know what kind of job you can get, often it is hard to get full information from other sources so it is best to talk to someone who works there of you have any questions.

6. Searching for amazon jobs on job search websites.
Its simple, sumply search for "amazon" or add anything to it and find jobs that suite you, most employers that try to hire people on the internet are you usually serious and they also sometimes add the amount of salary they can pay for the job

7. Through a referal from someone who is already working there.
This one is abit complicated, someone posted on the internet saying that they have tried it and it worked.
He said that one should go to LinkedIn, create a profile then search for "Amazon". If you find someone who works as an associate or area manager at the FC building that you want, Email that person with your interest, and resume, and ask for a referral. Once referred, you increase your chances to get interviewed.

Technology: 3 useful things you can do with drones.

As technology advances, some of their uses change as well and we find new ways to make items useful which in turn would make life easier for us and drones have been doing just that, what's more, they require less input once you have one, it's not like a car or plane which require a lot of fuel, so we can easily profit from drones.

Taking pictures and videos.

This way of using drones might sound boring but it isn't, the pictures and videos you took would be useful once you know how to make use of it, you can even make money from this by taking pictures within companies, there are a lot of companies looking for people who can help out with that, and it pays a good amount of money. You can also take pictures and videos of outstanding places, then keep them and call yourself a pro-photographer or make money with them, whatever you do with it is your choice. Other ways of making use of drones through this method could be with security, you can patrol certain places easily because drones do not make much noise.


One word describes the whole idea: "delivery", and drones can do it although there is a limit. what is this limit? if it is the amount of goods the drone can carry, you need to find out how much load it can take, otherwise you end up losing both. They are also being used by major websites that sell products online, it is a cost effective way for them to transport their products and it brings in the best results.

Toy to play around with.

If you don't really need to use a drone for important purposes, you can simply fly it around or pull pranks on a few people you know for fun, it would be a great way to simply enjoy your day and take your mind off things and you need to watch out so that your drone doesn't suddenly end up falling from the sky which would result in a waste of money. You can also take part in drone racing.

7 guaranteed ways to make money online for committed people.

There are many ways to make money onlime you can even create a new way to make it. But before you do, ask yourself some important questions such as, do i really need it? If yes then do your best to find a good way to earn income online, if you fail, try other things, but remember, the only way you can actually make money from these methods is if you know what you are doing,


You can build your own website, hire someone to create a great one for you or use a free service like WordPress to help you make one of you do not have the knowledge and much investment, you can publish a blog, great a service or even make your own e-commerce store.

Uploading Videos.

Do you have some videos you at least know are not copyrighted or are you good at making them? You can show off and make money from your videos in your website or in websites like YouTube, just make sure to have great videos.


You might not make a lot of money from completing surveys, but there are many websites that are looking for people to complete surveys and you can earn money from it also, it might become time consuming.


There are many places on the web where you can teach people and you can earn some money there, if what you are going to teach does not require a qualification, don't worry, all you need to do is just learn more about it, but if you would like to tutor (especially students) then I would recommend having good experience in that particular area. You can also teach a language to someone, there are often people looking for experts in a certain language.


Like i mentioned above, you can create an e-commerce store (website) and sell products, if you are not good at making a website suitable for selling products, shopify can help you with that. You can also sell them on places such as Amazon or ebay. You need to spend some money on the products that you are selling,


Being an affiliate is not too hard, all you need to do is to promote a a product and make sure the readers buy a certain product, most affiliate companies pay a commission for CPA (cost per action) there are some great high commission paying companies. You choose how you will promote these products, whether you want to advertise them on social media, your own website or a blog.

Freelancing/working for people

You can apply for certain jobs in websites such as Freelancer or Upwork, and complete certain jobs, you can do jobs such as freelance writing or almost anything you are good at. Most Jobs in these websites require one to be qualified in a certain skill, that's why it's better to firstly see if there are any jobs available that you can do before getting your hopes up, otherwise you might get disappointed.

9 websites you can submit articles to and drive traffic to your website.

There are countless free ways to drive traffic to your website, but most of these strategies are not effortless, they require creativity which is a good thing for us because we are all creative in someway.

This strategy is called:
Article Marketing

In simple terms, Article marketing is when you write on other popular websites and influence/persuade it's readers to vist your website.


Combine articles, make a point or focus on one topic. Storify gives you the tools to create the best evergreen and live blog stories, uniting traditional storytelling with engaged audiences.


Medium is a place where everyone has a story to share and the best ones are delivered right to you. Connecting people together increases their knowledge and capabilities.


Create mini sites to publish your content frequently, Google will index and include your articles in search within a few days. Your content must be strategically keyword reach for the right searchers to find you.


With tumblr, you can create a micro blog and share your content with a network of publishers. Post anything using any communication device like a computer, smart phone or tablet, customize everything, and find and follow what you love.

Create your own Tumblr blog within minutes.


Sooperarticles is a content sharing platform where writers get the chance to reach their readers. Gain exposure to your website, blog, business and yourself.

Share your ideas with our community of readers to gain credibility. Create original and insightful contents to gain traffic back to your site and grow your business.


EzineArticles is a unique article platform that brings real-world experts and ezine publishers together.

Their searchable database of hundreds of thousands of quality original articles, posted by Expert Authors & Writers, allows email newsletter publishers who are hungry for fresh content to find articles to include in their next newsletter.

Your article might be among the best when you start posting. Follow their guidelines, as they are very strict on content types being published.


Articlecity is a one-stop source for free articles you can source to your web site Or articles for use on your opt-in newsletters and e-zines.


Otherarticles makes sure all articles are spread around their website so that visitors can view them easily. They show related articles on every articles page and dedicate their homepage to the recent, popular and random (other) article blocks.


ArticleCube is an online article search engine and website. With ArticleCube, you can search a major article website on the web.

Reddit is a platform that anyone can use and submit posts.

5 ways to drive traffic to your website and get more viewers.

It doesn't take an expert or alot of money for your website/blog to recieve traffic, but there are also options including that, which would be better, here are some ways you can incease traffic to your website:

SEO (Search engine optimization)

SEO is a way of getting organic traffic to your website/blog which is when people search for something relevant to what you posted about, for this to work, your website needs to rank on search engines. There are many ways you can do SEO, you can do it by yourself or you can hire a professional/company. You can also use certain plugins to make your website SEO friendly.

Social media.

You can promote your website through social media by posting relevant content which would attract people to visit your website, how you will do it depends on the type of website that you have, and since there are so many people using social media today, you can take advantage of the endless opportunities, however this is not guaranteed because you can to attract people with interesting content.

Guest blogging.

With guest blogging, you can write for other blogs and increase your traffic through making the readers visit your website/blog, it is better to write for a blog that usually gets alot of traffic, but if you are not sure that you can write something good (which is required) then rather use your time for something you can gain from.


Although this may be costly, it is a great option if you know you will be able to pay the costs with visitors aquired through your advertising and if you calculated the profits, you can advertise even on social media and search engines. On the internet, there are different forms of advertising such as CPC (cost per click), CPA (cost per action) and more, advertising is marketing, it requires alot of research, so if this would become your option, then find a cost-effective way.

Article Marketing

You can share your blog on other platforms or re-purpose your content. If you know what article marketing is, then you will find it much easier to build channels that work for your blog.

Article marketing is when a business develops quality content and Promotes that content on relevant high authority article viewing sites, this helps referral traffic to your website.

In most cases, unique visitors can view, comment and vote your article. This helps in many ways in building authority for your domain through content.

You can use article submission sites to increase the chances of ranking better on SERP. Increase your brand & product awareness, which helps your overall online presence in search engines like; Google and Bing.

Now that your article is ready for viewing, start submitting them to these unique sites for more traffic and authority.

Ways to drive traffic from your YouTube videos to website/blog.

Do you have a website or blog? Well, today, and every other day that comes after this day is and going to be your lucky day(s), especially if you are a YouTuber and you already have a good thing going on making great videos.

Have you ever taught about why advertisers are willing to pay so much for promoting their products? Or how advertising your business can affect it? Well, as a YouTuber, you have a great advantage, advertising your website rather than other people can really change the amount of traffic it gets.

Well, now you can advertise for free (if it does not charge you for advertising on your own videos), you have an option on what types of advertisements get in your vidoes, you also have the option of making your own advertisement, but no one will you for that, you will have to find a good way to benefit from the people that actually click on your adverts, and if you are not sure how, you can learn from other advertisers and see what they offer.

If advetising on your videos costs you money, then you can advertise within the video, you can also make a whole video about what your website offers and all you will need is to come up with a strategy to make the video worth watching.

Another way to benefit from your videos of you still want to make money with adsence is you can place your advert at the end of starting of the video, it can start with: anything and it can and with anything that gives credit to your website, don't forget to write something like: for more visit www...

So basically driving traffic to your website with YouTube is as simple and free as that.

3 ways to truly benefit from your YouTube videos.

We all have our reasons for uploading/making videos to/on YouTube, it could be for any reason such as making money with adsence or just for showing off your videos, whatever the reason, most people just do it simply to make money because they do not know how they can take advantage of the opportunities YouTube holds for them.

Since we are talking about making money here with adsence and YouTube, I will explain to you a great strategy on how you can generate more clicks/views on the ads placed on your website so that you, YouTube and advertisers can all benefit from your videos (since that's what the website offers).

Having a YouTube channel made specifically for  a certain type of topic would make it easier for you to create great topics and stay in topic while benefiting yourself by learning more about what you are offering in your vidoes (teaching is learning). Once you do this, the ads that apear on your videos would be more likely to be based on what your video is about, so those who are interested in your video will be more likely to click the ad or watch more about it and you will have achieved what you wanted.

You can also make videos, for example, videos about business, and then you can choose what types of advertisements apear before your videos come on, which is a great way to make more money.

But in order for this to work, you need quality videos and titles that would make the person want to watch it. If you use a webcam to make videos, it isn't a bad choice, but you can spend a little more and buy products which will increase the quality of your videos and at times make professional vidoes which should increase your subscribers and not just viewers.

4 websites that pay you for writing assignments for others.


Chegg - This site allows students to ask questions that will be answered by experts. Get registered as an expert in your field and you will be paid for each question you answer.

freelancer (complete assignments and earn)

freelancer - You can earn money for completing assignments as a freelancer at, you can either hire or work there and it is a good place to do so because it has alot of users.

All homework

All homework - How does it work?
Each of our homework experts is given an account on our website through which he/she can log in and browse the list of available assignments and projects. As a homework expert you will be able to bid for individual customer projects at which point we ask that you specify how much you're willing to do the project for, read more.

School solver

School solver - how it works: This site connects people who need help with their assignments and assignment solvers. Read more.

5 Legit and Free Work at Home Jobs With No Startup Fees.

#1 – Ask wonder– This company is always looking for talented research assistants to join their team. Researchers earn $15-$25 per hour by completing research requests. No phone or special equipment is needed.

#2 –Accolade Support– This company will bring you on board as an independent contractor to provide PC desktop support. The pay offered is between $8.25 and $10 an hour. They do not charge any fees.

#3 –American Consumer-Opinion – This is a worldwide company that pays members for taking surveys online and voting on products as well as other services. It is completely free to register on the site.

#4 –Toluna – This is one of largest market research companies with opportunities for Product Testers. This panel is open to everyone in the US, Canada, and Australia. Don’t forget to verify your email to start receiving opportunities.

#5 –– This Company offers online tutoring opportunities. You are able to set up your own schedule depending on your availability and they do not charge any sign up fees.

6 realistic ways to make money online.

There are many ways to make money onlime you can even create a new way to make it. But before you do, ask yourself some important questions such as, do i really need it? If yes then do your best to find a good way to earn income online, if you fail, try other things.


You can build your own website, hire someone to create a great one for you or use a free service like WordPress to help you make one of you do not have the knowledge and much investment, you can publish a blog, great a service or even make your own e-commerce store.

Uploading Videos.

Do you have some videos you atleast know are not copyrighted or are you good at making them? You can show off and make money from your videos in your website or in websites like YouTube, just make sure to have great videos.


You might not make alot of money from completing surveys, but there are many websites that are looking for people to complete surveys and you can earn money from it also, it might become time consuming.


There are many places on the web where you can teach people and you can earn some money there, if what you are going to teach does not require a qualification, don't worry, all you need to do is just learn more about it, but if you would like to tutor (especially students) then I would recommend having good experience in that particular area.


Like i mentioned above, you can create an e-commerce store and sell products, you can also sell them on places such as Amazon or ebay

Freelancing/working for people

You can apply for certain jobs in websites such as Freelancer or Upwork, and complete certain jobs, you can do jobs such as freelance writting or almost anything you are good at.

Horrifying facts of being a man.

Being a male has its advantages, bit it also has it's disadvantages so below, only the disadvantages of being a man will be mentions, the views of society towards men mentioned here do not apply to everyone and when guys face such problems, people turn a blind eye.

People expect you to be a hero.
Whether they expect you to rescue a child or woman, a man is always expected to take action, regardless of their excuses.

He is always expected to pay.
Its normal for men to be the breadwinners at home and pay the bills, but what about when a girl invites him to a restaurant to have lunch toghether and he doesn't eat anything or order any food, then the waiter gives hands him the bill? This is what people are like these days, they are so used to the males always having to pay up.

Nobody has sympathy for them.
If a man is seen injured but he is crying, some people will say "your a man get over it", while they don't know how much the pain hurts. Men have feelings too and they should be seen as human beings not as people that are made out of stone.

His life is disregarded.
A man will always be expected to tale action, if someone's life is in danger, he will be expected to risk his life for that person. Somehow, people think that some peoples lives are more important than others.

"All men are the same"
If a man is seen staring at a small cute girl who's playing about, he might be considered a pedofile, if a man is caught staring at a well dressed lady, he's a pervert and if a guy accidently touches a woman, he's worse than a pervert, he harasses people.

Men are expected to be more physically advantaged than women.
It may be a scientific fact, but not all men can be like this, not all men can be "tall enough" or have six packs. Some people have sicknesses that stops them from achieving such things or they are just too lazy.

Men are viewed as less important.
Cancer that relate to women recieve much more donations than cancer that only men can get. People will always feel more for a female than a male.

They are expected to make the first move.
Guys have mostly been the ones that start the relationships, they have to face ghathering up enough courage to ask a girl out to ask someone to marry him. This has always been happening throughout history and it has become normal for us.

Most people can relate to most of the things said in this post so far, but they do not apply to all men or everyone in society

5 ways to promote your blog.

It doesn't take an expert or alot of money for your website/blog to recieve traffic, but there are also options including that, which would be better, here are some ways you can inceaae traffic to your website:

SEO (Search engine optimization)

SEO is a way of getting organic traffic to your website/blog which is when people search for something relevant to what you posted about, for this to work, your website needs to rank on search engines. There are many ways you can do SEO, you can do it by youself or you can hire a professional/company. You can also use certain plugins to make your website SAO friendly.

Social media.

You can promote your website through social media by posting relevant content which would attract people to visit your website, how you will do it depends on the type of website that you have, and since there are so many people using social media today, you can take advantage of the endless opportunities, however this is not guaranteed because you can to attract people with interesting content.

Guest blogging.

With guest blogging, you can write for other blogs and increase your traffic through making the readers visit your website/blog, it is better to write for a blog that usually gets alot of traffic, but if you are not sure that you can write something good (which is required) then rather use your time for something you can gain from.


Although this may be costly, it is a great option if you know you will be able to pay the costs with visitors aquired through your advertising and if you calculated the profits, you can advertise even on social media and search engines. On the internet, there are different forms of advertising such as CPC (cost per click), CPA (cost per action) and more, advertising is marketing, it requires alot of research, so if this would become your option, then find a cost-effective way.

Article Marketing.

You can share your blog on other platforms or re-purpose your content. If you know what article marketing is, then you will find it much easier to build channels that work for your blog.

Article marketing is when a business develops quality content and Promotes that content on relevant high authority article viewing sites, this helps referral traffic to your website.

In most cases, unique visitors can view, comment and vote your article. This helps in many ways in building authority for your domain through content.

You can use article submission sites to increase the chances of ranking better on SERP. Increase your brand & product awareness, which helps your overall online presence in search engines like; Google and Bing.

Now that your article is ready for viewing, start submitting them to these unique sites for more traffic and authority.